Monday, 14 March 2011

I realise now that it looks a bit uh... grim. But that's just a background layer... thing. It won't stay like that I promise! Haha. It's just lots of layers of black and red ink, brown gouache and water.

Well today was Day One~ of the FMP! I wasn't particularly excited to start since I'd already planned things to exhaustion with all those bloody 'Action Plans' I filled out... (Although, I think it could've been something to do with it being Monday! Ha!) But as the day progressed, I made some silhouette stencils and used Maddie as my first person to draw around!

Annoyingly, I didn't get around to asking about using an OHP for silhouette-drawing... But hey, I can do that tomorrow for Day Two! I got talking to Dave too and he suggested I could project something moving (machinery or whatnot) actually onto a piece of work. I hadn't thought of that! Such a shame Dave only teaches on Monday... ffffuuuu.

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